Saturday, May 10, 2008

Clean Planet - Clean India

Hello Everyone,

I chose this title for my first blog because I got inspired from Dr.Jane Goodall's talk which I went to last week. I think she is an amazing person and she has contributed immensely to this world. There is so much to learn from her. She talked about her childhood, her upbringing, chimps ofcourse and her encouraging mother. She said that everyone on this earth is becoming more meat hungry and we are all killing animals one way or the other. I am a vegetarian but I think I am equally responsible, bec 2 weeks back I bought this cute little leather bag and shoes. But I didn't even think for a minute as to where it is coming from and how it was made.... Dr.Jane Goodall said that each of us should think about each and every product we buy in the market and when everyone is conscious and careful the world will become such a better place.

There is something very interesting I learnt in her talk. I never knew that a plastic bottle consumes about 2 times more water it can hold than to make one bottle. I think it will be a great idea to buy a glass bottle and reuse it.
For more information, pls read

Apart from the plastic bottles we also use plastic bags which take about 1000 years to naturally degrade. There are researcher's and scientists who are trying to come up with better ways of using the plastic as gasoline etc etc.

There is another reason why I chose the title as "Clean India", because I am Indian living in the US and I work for the best univ trying to do some exciting research. India and China have the world's largest population and we are increasingly consuming more gasoline and animal products. The Indian middle class is earning a lot of money and we are not contributing anything to the world and in fact we are the reason why there is so much pollution. Being an Indian I want to start a clean India program. I will make it a point to clean my surroundings and India.

I think that's quite a lot of information for my first blog. Pls do respond.


Next time I'll try to talk about a book I recently read and some interesting recipes and of course music, concerts etc etc.



Hi dearest!

welcome to the blogworld. its a great blog indeeed. and i am happy to be ur first commenter.
ur right ! we dont think before we buy anything abt wher it wuld be coming from !!! i am sure i will start doing that after reading u.
great to have u on the blog roll welcome !!

Radhika said...

Thanks Solitary princess!!!
It's encouraging and I am glad to hear nice words for my first blog